Treasure Awaits In The Heart Of The Village: The Hunt Returns!
Blog Post - January 23, 2024
Category: What's New
The Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) hosts impactful events all year long from its weekly Farmers Market to bi-monthly business networking meetings to annual multi-block exhibits that draw thousands of people to downtown Carlsbad. But one event continues to capture our imagination in so many ways.
Hearts of Carlsbad Village is a Village-wide scavenger hunt for hundreds of beautiful, unique, and colorful glass hearts. An event initially created during the pandemic as a way to bring community and families together in a safe and accessible way has grown to be one of the most beloved by locals and visitors alike.
Every event that the Carlsbad Village Association hosts must meet its core mission principles. CVA strives to create events that increase the awareness of Carlsbad Village as a user-friendly, walkable destination. If they can also promote the unique character and historical significance of the downtown, that is a plus. And all must help stimulate the local economy. Hearts of Carlsbad Village, a two-day event held on Saturday, February 10th and Sunday, February 11th, does all this and more!
Come explore downtown Carlsbad’s fantastic dining and shopping scene while staying vigilant for sightings of blown glass hearts when you are out and about enjoying Carlsbad Village. A total of 400 glass hearts (double the number from 2023) have been created by Barrio Glassworks over the past several months specifically for this special weekend. They will be hidden over a period of two days at some of the most iconic and popular locations in downtown Carlsbad. We want these hearts to be found and loved, so they are hidden in plain sight.

If you find a heart, you are done with the hunt, and it is all yours to keep! But do not forget to register your heart, using the instructions on the heart's label, to be entered into a drawing for some fabulous local prizes.
Hearts of Carlsbad Village is supported in part by Visit Carlsbad, the official tourism marketing organization for the City of Carlsbad.
The Carlsbad Village Association puts its heart into every one of its events. But this one, Hearts of Carlsbad Village, is a community-wide experience like no other. We hope you will join us for this special event, and we wish you good hunting! Click here for more details on the scavenger hunt.