Huge Thank You To Our 2023 Taste Of Carlsbad Village Sponsors
Blog Post - September 24, 2023
Category: What's New
With the countdown to the 6th Annual Taste of Carlsbad Village underway, we wanted to give a very special thank you to our sponsors who help make this banner event such a success year after year.

Thank you to Ting Internet for helping us execute another memorable VIP experience. Thanks to their sponsorship, every VIP ticket-holder will receive a Ting Internet VIP gift bag that includes a custom blown cocktail glass from Barrio Glassworks, a shortbread cookie from Carlsbad Cookie Company, and a sweet gift from Chuao Chocolatier!
Speaking of custom blown cocktail glasses, we want to thank Barrio Glassworks for their dedication to creating 100 custom "thumbprint" glasses for the VIP Experience ticket holders. Each ticketholder will take home a little piece of Carlsbad Village that night, thanks to you!

We would also like to thank our promotional sponsor, U.S. Bank, for their generosity and commitment to its community. Through their sponsorship the Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) will be able to get the best looking 'Food and Sip Stop' Passports into the hands of its ticket-holders and enhance its Sip Stop host location signage too! We appreciate your assistance very much!

Lastly, thank you to our trash and recycling heroes, Republic Services. You will see their amazing team working hard to tidy up our downtown streets before, after, and during our Taste of Carlsbad event. They will even be separating food waste at the end of the night for composting to help this event be as eco friendly as possible. We can always count on Republic to help us leave the Village looking just as beautiful and trash-free as ever.