Thank You For A Successful Year of Community Clean-Ups!
Blog Post - November 7, 2023
Category: What's New
What an amazing year of working together to keep our downtown community litter-free! The Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) is so thankful for our members, Pure Project and Handel's Ice Cream, along with dedicated volunteers, for helping keep Carlsbad Village a little cleaner this past year.

These two dedicated businesses, and dozens of volunteers, gathered together on a quarterly basis throughout 2023 and got busy cleaning up trash on our downtown streets! Together we removed hundreds of pounds of trash and cigarette butts during the year. At our latest clean-up on November 4th, together we removed an additional 104lbs of trash from Carlsbad Village.

This year Richness of Giving, a local non profit dedicated to making a difference in their local communities, hosted two Village wide cleanups in 2023 (co-hosted with the Carlsbad Village Association, Visit Carlsbad, and others), involving residents, business owners, staff, and dedicated volunteers, and also removed hundreds of pounds of trash from our Village.

We are so grateful for the volunteers, who took time out of their Saturday mornings, to help make a difference in the place we call home.

We look forward to continuing our efforts in 2024. Stay tuned for details on our bi-monthly clean-ups and how we are dedicated to making an impact on our downtown streets!