Beautiful Evening Of Connection & Community At Our Business Mixer
Blog Post - September 26, 2023
Category: What's New
What a fabulous and successful evening of building community among our Village businesses and residents!

We would like to give a special thank you to Beach Terrace Inn for allowing us to host our bi-annual CVA Business Mixer in their beautiful oceanfront space. The stunning views, paired with their team's top tier hospitality, set the tone for an absolutely wonderful evening.

Thank you to Lola's Carlsbad for the most amazing and authentic guacamole and burritos, Fig & Feather Bar Co. for their crowd-pleasing cucumber margarita, and Handel's Carlsbad for their delicious assortment of seasonal and traditional flavored ice cream. We are so honored to have such an epic array of Carlsbad-based eateries at our community events.

Lastly, we would like to thank all those who came out and were able to foster relationships and referrals downtown.

We are looking forward to continuing these business mixers and can't wait to see you at the next one!