With spring in full bloom and the sun shining, more people are out and about riding bikes or going on walks in the Village. We’re joining the City of Carlsbad to share a few safety reminders to help everyone stay safe this spring, whether you walk, bike or drive.

The city recently hosted a webinar with traffic safety experts, including representatives from the Carlsbad Police Department, San Diego County Bicycle Coalition and Circulate San Diego. When the experts were asked to give their top safety tips, here’s what they had to say:
Be predictable when you’re biking. This means riding where drivers expect to see you, making sure you’re visible and communicating with other people on the road. Simple steps like using bike lights at night or waving to drivers at an intersection can go a long way.
Be vigilant about distractions when you’re driving. Remember, a distraction can be anything that takes your attention from the road, however briefly – a phone, the radio, eating or drinking.
Be confident and visible when you’re walking. When it’s your turn to cross the street, make eye contact with drivers or give a quick wave to make sure they see you, then take your turn.
You can watch a recording of the webinar to see what else was shared. It’s less than an hour long and really informative.