Save The Date For Small Business Saturday On Nov. 25
Blog Post - October 29, 2023
Category: What's New
It's never too early to start planning a great day in the Village supporting small businesses. Come join us downtown on Saturday, November 25th as we celebrate Small Business Saturday and shop small!

Small Business Saturday, on November 25th, marks the 13th year of the Shop Small movement. The concept was first introduced by American Express in 2010 as a way to put small businesses in the spotlight amid the recession that occurred following the 2008 financial crisis. The Great Recession may be over, and we might be post Covid, but small businesses are still struggling to compete with the mega stores and online giants.
The Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) hopes you will join us on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to pay tribute to the mom and-pop shops that line our Mainstreet in downtown Carlsbad and give them a much-needed year-end boost. To celebrate the day, Carlsbad Village businesses will be making offers you can’t refuse, and CVA will be giving away over $1,000 in gift cards, Carlsbad merchandise, and more. Live music, shopping and dining specials, chances to win . . . and community. What could be better!

Come shop small with us in Carlsbad Village and know that you are making a difference to so many every time you do! Your local dollars make a lasting impact.
For more information on the Small Business Saturday celebration, as the date gets closer, visit Small Business Saturday in Carlsbad Village.