The sun was shining and spirits were high at the Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) Member Hosted Bi-Monthly Village Clean-up on Saturday, July 8th. So many wonderful volunteers worked together to remove over 110lbs of trash, including a lot of cigarette butts, from our beautiful downtown.

CVA wants to give a big thank you to its partners Handel's Ice Cream and Pure Project for all their support at each clean-up! With the help of re-purposed buckets from Handel's Carlsbad and re-purposed grain bags from Pure Carlsbad, we were able to use less plastic and ensure that our clean ups don't add more waste to the environment.

Alongside CVA's partners we continue our bi-monthly clean up efforts and renew our promise to help keep our community litter free. We have collected over 1,700 pounds of trash since we began our community clean-ups, and won't stop there!

We hope to see you at one of CVA's upcoming clean-ups in the Village to do it all over again. Click on Carlsbad Village Cleanups for more information.