Call For Makers! Last Chance To Apply To Our Holiday Market
Blog Post - September 30, 2023
Category: What's New
Are you a maker? Do you know one? The locally curated Holiday artisan experience by the beach is two months away on Saturday, December 2nd, in downtown Carlsbad Village. Vendor booths are filling up, but we have a select few available. Our jewelry booths are full, but please submit if you specialize in children's clothing, yummy treats, dog accessories, or any other unique goods that would be perfect for gift-giving this holiday season.
Carlsbad Village Makers Market (a Holiday Showcase) is a handcrafted marketplace where people can shop for the best American-made goods just in time for the holidays! It is a celebration of over 50 local and regional artisans and independent makers in a fun, comfortable outdoor environment.
If you are interested in joining our market this year, please contact and we will send you an application link. If you have any questions, feel free to email the event manager, Patricia, at And plan on bringing your very best holiday items for a fabulous celebration of the season!

Santa, Toy Drive & More!
This year, come make some memories and meet Santa. Photos with Santa in time for this year's photo card! And since this is the season for giving back, join in the Toys for Tots Toy Drive sponsored by Chanel Bennett, First Team Real Estate. This year will include "must-have" raffle gifts for toy donors who bring unwrapped, new toys for kids of all ages. Save the Date for the Holiday Makers Market and your opportunity to meet Santa and make a difference in the lives of children this holiday season!