Don't miss this entirely new Village Voices on Tuesday, May 9th.
Start your day by connecting and collaborating. Because after all, we are better together!
Join us for a morning of "speed networking" and make important relationships with fellow Carlsbad Village business owners and residents.
Enjoy meeting new friends over complimentary coffee and donuts followed by important Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) event information and city updates. Then, let CVA staff and board members help you connect with others in the Village in a fast paced, fun way!
More friendships, partnerships, and referrals have been created at Village Voices over the years than you know. Come experience it for yourself and meet your next best client, customer, Village enthusiast, or friend. Let's connect!
Tues. May 9th, 2023
Dea Hurston New Village Arts Center
2787 State Street
8:00am - 8:30am: Networking, coffee & donuts
8:30am - 9:30am: Updates and networking program