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City Manager To Speak About 2019-2020 Budget

Blog Post - May 29, 2019

Category: What's New

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 4 from 8:30am-9:30am. Hear from City Manager Scott Chadwick on the preliminary fiscal year 2019-20 city budget and the state of Village CIP projects in the budget. Best one hour a Village business owner, manager or staff member (or Village resident) can spend. Village Voices is designed to keep Village business owners and Village residents up to date on what is happening downtown. In addition to hearing about Carlsbad Village Association events and promotion opportunities exclusively available for Village businesses, CVA hosts a guest speaker each month to keep important local and regional issues at the forefront. Throughout the year, businesses are highlighted guest speakers as well to help us all get to know some of our long-time and new businesses that call Carlsbad Village home.

Free donuts and coffee, sponsored generously each month by Coffee Express, are served starting at 8:15am. The meeting starts at 8:30am and is over promptly at 9:30am. You are welcome to stay and network afterward with fellow Village businesses and residents.

Village Voices is held the first Tuesday of each month (except for July and December) at New Village Arts located at 2787 State Street. There is no need to RSVP.

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