Carlsbad Community Joined Together for Final 2024 Clean-Up!
Blog Post - November 19, 2024
Category: What's New
This past Saturday, the Carlsbad community joined forces for the final Village clean-up of the year, making a huge impact with 314 pounds of trash collected. Thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, this effort brings the grand total to an astounding 2,780 pounds since the bi-monthly clean-ups began.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated. Your time and energy have made a tangible difference, helping keep Carlsbad Village clean, beautiful, and welcoming.

These clean-ups wouldn’t be possible without the incredible partnership between the Carlsbad Village Association, Pure Project, Handel’s Ice Cream, and Baba Coffee. Their shared commitment to sustainability and community pride has created a meaningful and rewarding experience for all involved. From providing supplies to offering treats like discounted coffee, $1 off pints, and free ice cream scoops, their support has been instrumental in the success of this initiative.

All volunteers who collected 5lbs or trash or more were entered into a special drawing. The morning ended on a celebratory note as one lucky 5lb+ volunteer won a $100 gift card to a Carlsbad Village restaurant.
Thank you again to all the volunteers and partners for making this event a success. We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in 2025. Stay tuned for next year’s clean-up schedule, and let’s continue making a positive impact!