Learn How You Can Help Save The Iconic Carlsbad Theater
Blog Post - February 17, 2024
Category: What's New
Join the Save the Carlsbad Theater Team at Witch Creek Winery on February 28th.
The 1927 Carlsbad Theater needs your help. Once the heart of entertainment for Carlsbad residents, this historic venue has sat empty for years. But the Save the Carlsbad Theater team has a vision to bring it back to life as a hub for movies, concerts, comedy, and community events.
On Wednesday, February 28th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, the team is holding an informational meeting at Witch Creek Winery to rally support for saving the theater. Enjoy live music from Patrick Quillin, giveaways, prizes, and Witch Creek's incredible selection of "no host" wines and foods.
It's a night to come together as a community and help preserve Carlsbad history. By attending, you'll learn about the progress made so far and how you can get involved and help.

RSVP by email at kenbowcom@gmail.com and be sure to follow @savethecarlsbadtheatre on Instagram and connect with them via social media. Let's ensure this incredible 1927 treasure can once again be the heart of Carlsbad arts and entertainment.